Home’s going to be completely rebooted. Also, Metro: Last Light looks amazing. And Dota 2′s caught Blizzard on the hop, seemingly. Catch up on the last 24 hours right now.
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- Featured content: Nathan interviewed Tim Willits about RAGE. So you should read it, obviously.
- Our 2011 reader survey went live yesterday. This really does help us operate on all sorts of levels, so please do take the time to fill it in.
- PlayStaytion Home is getting a radical makeover this year, with MMO-style gameplay included.
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution releases today in the US and on Friday in Europe. Get all the scores here.
- MCV reckons PS3 sales rose 65 percent in the UK following its gamescom price-cut.
- The full, 12-minute E3 video of Metro: Last Light has been released. Very cool.
- And here’s the latest Dark Souls trailer. This, also, is very cool.
- OXM reckons Fable IV’s coming out in 2013.
- The same OXM issue’s rumouring that Gearbox is to work on a Nukem reboot after Colonial Marines.
- Kim Swift’s next game’s to be shown at PAX this weekend. Square’s publishing. Swift was on of Portal’s original developers.
- A French site reckons Nintendo’s working on a twin-stick 3DS.
- The PS3 version of RAGE will feature an 8Gb install.
- Blizzard’s said that its Starcraft II Dota mod’s been “completely rebooted” since it was shown last year.
- Zumba, UK charts, 13 weeks, blah.
- Skyrim will get its first public showing at EG Expo next month.